Friday, July 25, 2008

Haruki Nakamura Update

Haruki Nakamura, every ones favorite Black Belt sporting Free Safety(well he's mine anyway) has been fighting for a spot on the Baltimore Ravens and is apparently doing a pretty good job. The hard nosed ferocious tackler is roommates with another player who shares that characteristic with him and whose name also drives Spell Check crazy, Tom Zbikowski. Both of them team up in the backfield and are wreaking some havoc, as made apparent when Zbikowski picked off Troy Smith in the end zone after a Nakamura tip. The two apparently have made a quick friendship and even have their "own language" as Nakamura puts it which makes it much easier for them to communicate on the field. There is of course some differences between them, after all Nakamura is a sixth round pick while Zbikowski is a third round pick so, while Zbikowski looks to make an impact on the team as soon as next season Nakamura should be happy if he makes the team and gets some play time on any of the four special teams squads.

I like this guy. He's a hard worker, he's serious about football, he knows the game, he knows his job and despite being undersized plays with a heart that many players can't match. Not only that but the Ravens are a good match for him, when you think of the Ravens images of tough hard hitting, no nonsene tough guys immediately come to mind(except for Siragusa, he's pretty friggin' adorable...oh and Kyle Boller) So I hope Haruki can earn a spot and eventually we can see him and mr. golden gloves in the backfield knocking some heads.

The Evening Sun

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