Tuesday, August 19, 2008

UTEP should join the Big 12 Conference

I have noticed in the past couple of years that many BCS conferences have been looking for teams to add to make the conferences even better than what they are now, this includes the Big 12. Which is why I raise the case for the University of Texas At El Paso. I am saying this because over the past couple of years the UTEP football team has gone up against a football team from the Big 12. Over the past two years UTEP gave Texas Tech a run for the money both in the Sun Bowl in El Paso, as well as in Lubbock last year. This year they will be playing the University of Texas on Sep. 6 in El Paso, and will try and show the country they have what it takes to pull of the upset. Next year this UTEP team will be going to Austin, to take on the Longhorns, while the Kansas Jayhawks will be going down to the Sun Bowl to take on the Miners. Not to many non BCS teams can say they are going to play two Big 12 teams in one year. If UTEP can show a strong showing against in the next two years I believe that they can replace a team such as Baylor in the South. I know this is off the subject but not only does this happen in football but over the last couple of years the UTEP basketball team has gone up against A&M in College Station and Tech both in Lubbock and in El Paso. The change would not only good for UTEP but for the Big 12 Conference as well.

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