Saturday, September 13, 2008

Knowshon Hurdle? Not so great.

We've all seen this over and over this past week talking about how AWESOME Moreno is...and honestly there's a bunch of players out there who can do that, and have done that, and DO do that.

One of these guys is Sam McGuffie who's at Michigan now and made a habit out of hurdling opponents to the point where players stopped going low on him because he always jumped over them...ok maybe not. Anyway there may be some of you out there who say that McGuffie did that in highschool and not in College so it's different well to you I present you the following...

BAM! Reggie Bush does it in the NFL.

The point is stop making a big deal out of this hurdle, ten bucks says we'll see a hurdle at least once more during the season.

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